Ascidians are not invertebrates, but actually belong to the back-boned animals as we humans. They are more known under the name sea squirts or tunicates. There are 2300 different species of ascidians. Some live solitary, while others prefer to form colonies. Each individual member of one of these colonies is called a zooid. They are sac-like marine animals which are found in the shallow waters of all seas and oceans. Members of the Thaliacea (salp) and Larvacea swim freely in open water while all the other tunicates are not able to transfer themselves and are well attached to substrate such as rocks, dead coral and shells. The sac-like body is protected by a kind of cellulose material. Some tunicate species are transparent while others can have a more leathery look with wrinkles and warts. All sea squirts have two or more openings with a different dimension. The largest called oral siphon. The smaller opening(s) or atrial siphon is positioned more on the side of the animal, but often very close to the oral siphon. Tunicates feed by sucking in water via the oral siphon. The water flows through the mouth via the mucus-covered gills who filter plankton out of the water. Then it flows through a water chamber between the stomach and the outer skin, and leaves the animal via the smaller atrial siphon. When looking to one of the transparent tunicate specimen, you can see how the whole feeding system works.
Ascidians info.
Clavelina coerulea - Clavelinidae
Clavelina arafurensis - Clavelinidae
Clavelina moluccensis - Clavelinidae
Clavelina cyclus - Clavelinidae
Clavelina robusta - Clavelinidae
Clavelina viola - Clavelinidae
Clavelina flava - Clavelinidae
Clavelina detorta - Clavelinidae
Clavelina breve - Clavelinidae
Clavelina sp.1 - Clavelinidae
Clavelina sp.2 - Clavelinidae
Clavelina sp.3 - Clavelinidae
Nephtheis fascicularis- Clavelinidae
Sigillina signifera - Holozoidae
Perophora modificata - Perophoridae
Ecteinascidia bandaensis - Perophoridae
Rhopalaea circula - Diazonidae
Rhopalaea crassa - Diazonidae
Rhopalaea sp. - Diazonidae
Rhopalaea sp.1 - Diazonidae
Diazona formosa - Diazonidae
Diazona tenera - Diazonidae
Polycarpa aurata - Styelidae
Polycarpa captiosa - Styelidae
Eusynstyela latericius - Styelidae
Botrylloides leachii - Styelidae
Botrylloides leachii_2
Botryllus sp. - Styelidae
Phalussia julinea - Ascidiidae
Phallusia philippinensis - Ascidiidae
Ascidia ornata - Ascidiidae
Herdmania momus - Pyuridae
Atriolum robustum - Didemnidae
Didemnum molle - Didemnidae
Didemnum membranaceum - Didemnidae
Didemnum sp.2 - Didemnidae
Didemnum sp.3 - Didemnidae
Didemnum sp.4 - Didemnidae
Didemnum sp.5 - Didemnidae
Didemnum sp.7 - Didemnidae
Leptoclinides reticulatus - Didemnidae
Lissoclinum patella - Didemnidae
Trididemnum cyclops - Didemnidae
Exostoma ianthinum - Polycitoridae
Eudistoma reginum - Polycitoridae
Eudistoma sp.1 - Polycitoridae
Polycitorella sp. - Polycitoridae
Aplidium sp.1 - Polyclinidae
Pyrosoma atlanticum- Pyrosomidae
Thalia democratia - salp
Cyclosalpa affinis - Salpidae