Damsels - Pomacentridae
DAMSELS & CHROMIS - POMACENTRIDAE There are about three hundred and twenty different species of Pomacentridae of which a hundred live in the Indian Ocean. Most are found in tropical or temperate waters and some live in brackish or fresh water. Some species prefer coral or rocky-rich reefs while others live around sand and algae-rich areas. Most damsels are territorial, especially the algae eating ones like the Stegastes family. These damsels defend their territory and are very aggressive towards egg eating wrasse (Labridae), butterflyfish (Chaetodontidae), and others who threaten their place. This will even include divers. Some species feed on plankton and always swim in groups. Others like the Stegastes family live alone and feed mainly on algae. Some have their own "algae" garden. In this area they will take out the algae which they don't like to make more room for the tasty varieties. All the other damsel families feed on most things, but prefer small invertebrates and plankton. Reproduction happens in a very special ritual and is different with every species. When mating time arrives they start swimming after each other before they side spin, side by side in circles. This will go on till the female starts to attach the sometimes thousand eggs against something solid like stones, rocks, shells, coral or even tin cans and bottles. The eggs then will be guarded by the parents. They take care of the egg-mass by feeding it oxygen-rich water by using their fins. As careful parents, they keep an eye on all the eggs and pick out the dead ones. The larvae will come out after two to seven days. They will be picked up by the current and move them to other areas where they will grow up. The only damsel family whose larvae don't go pelagic are the Acanthochromis. They grow up next to their parents and feed on their parents, slime layer around their bodies. Length: 9 cm.Distribution: from Maldives, Sri Lanka to Solomon Is, S- Japan and New Caledonia.Dark brown to grey body, white tail. Juveniles blue-grey body with orange back,ocellus on soft dorsal fin and light blue margin on fins. In small groups in sandy areasnear corals. Reef flats from shallow lagoon and seaward reefs to 3 m. Feeds primarily on bentic algae. Length: 13 cm.Distribution: from the Red Sea to Samoa, Maldives and Great Barrier Reef.The Red Sea species does not have the yellow belly. Single or in small groups among coral-rich areas of deep clear lagoons and seawardreefs, from 2 to 34 m. Length: 8,5 cm.Distribution: from the Red Sea to French Polynesia, Ryukyus and Lord Howe.Similar to C. tricincta but higher body, black around the mouth and higher dorsal fin.Among branching corals, primarily on subtidal reef flats in sheltered waters to -20 m.Feeds on zooplankton, benthic invertebrates and algae. Length: 6 cm.Distribution: from the Andaman Sea to Palau, Fiji, Tonga and Great Barrier Reef.Snout, forehead and pelvic fins yellow, big black spot on back and dorsal fin.Feeds on zooplankton. Solitary or in small groups. In coral-rich areas of seaward reef slopes and deep lagoons, from 3 to -35 m. Length: 5,5 cm.Distribution: Philippines, Moluccas and Flores.Dark bright blue body with a black chaotic pattern.Among fine branching corals in sheltered lagoons and on inshore reefs, from -4 to -40 m. Length: 8 cm.Distribution: from Cocos-Keeling Is. to SW- Japan, Line Is. and Lord Howe.White to brown body with dark vertical bar behind the head. Many times the head isdarker than the body, black margin on dorsal fin. Similar to D. carneus who mostly hasa second dark bar infront of the tailbase and some blue lines in dorsal fin. When approached, they seek shelter between branching corals. Inshore and outer reefs. Length: 9 cm.Distribution: Andaman Sea to SW- Japan, Palau, Fiji, Tonga and G.B.R.Blue-grey upper-body, lower part more pale. Rear part of dorsal fin & tail base yellow,anal fin often yellowish. Variations from Tonga and Melanesia, light grey with lessyellow in the fins. Solitary or in small groups, among sandy areas near reefs, lagoons,passages and outer reef slopes. From -1 to -12 m. Feeds on zooplankton. Length: 10 cm.Distribution: from Bali to S.W- Japan, Samoa, Australia and New Caledonia.Pink-blue-ish body with a orange area on upper head and back. Fine lining on headand back. Half pale margined ocellus on rear dorsal fin, margin only complete with juveniles. Blue “ear”-spot. Solitary or in small groups, current-rich coral or rubble areas of lagoons and outer reef slopes, from -3 to -45 m. Length: 8 cm.Distribution: known from Philippines and Tonga. Yellow-ish brown with dark margins on scales, depending the region. Pale blue margin on dorsal and anal fin, blue spot on base pectoral fin, small ear-spot.Pink spots on head. Solitary or in small groups, lagoons and inshore reefs to -3 m. Length: 9 cm.Distribution: from Indonesia to SW- Japan, Palau, Vanuatu and Australia.From pale yellow to bright yellow with blue upper back. Pale blue spots on cheeksand gill plate, blue lines on forehead. Juveniles with black ocellus on dorsal fin.Pink to pale blue marks on anal fin. Feeds primarily on bentic algae.In silty lagoons and inshore reefs, to -10 m. Length: 9 cm.Distribution: Andaman Sea to S.W- Japan, Palau,Tonga, Coral Sea, N.W- & E- Australia.Bright yellow, fine dark margin on anal fin. Small ear-spot and black spot on base pectoral fins. Pink spots on cheeks. In small groups among live coral, lagoons andseaward reefs, from -1 to -14 m. Feeds on algae and planktonic crustaceans. Length: 11 cm.Distribution: from the Malaysian Peninsula to Philippines, Indonesia and N- Australia.Brown-greenish to grey body with a green to blue “ear”spot, younger specimen with ocellus on dorsal fin.Lives solitary or in small groups, silty shorelines with coral growth, from -1 to -5 m. Length: 9 cm.Distribution: from Andaman Sea to Philippines, Palau, Tonga and Great Barrier Reef.Greyish body with yellow tail base and dorsal fin. Variations from Melanesia and Tonga, pale grey with as good as no yellow.Lagoons, coastal and seaward reefs, from -1 to -12 m. Length: 8,5 cm.Distribution: from Indonesia to Philippines, Palau, P.N.G. and Solomon Islands.Red-brown to almost black with yellowish blotch along the dorsal fin, black ear spot.Juveniles dark grey with bluish scales on back and blue spots on head, ocellus on rear dorsal fin and translucent tail fin. Solitary or in small groups, lagoons and coastal reefs, prefers silty areas, from -2 to -16 m. Length: 10 cm.Distribution: from Andaman Sea to S.W- Japan, Fiji, Coral Sea and Australia.Body colour variable, orange forehead and dorsal fin. Blue lines on forehead.Dark ear-spot and black spot at pectoral fin base. Ocellus on rear dorsal fin, white tail.Solitary or in small groups, close to shore. Lagoons and seaward reefs, to -12 m. Length: 7 cm. Distribution: from Christmas Island to W- Bali, E- Kalimantan and E- Micronesia.Neon-blue head and upper body, yellow lower and rear body. Solitary or in small groups, on rubble slopes, from -2 to -15 m. Often mix with P. coelestis. Length: 10 cm.Distribution: Andaman Sea to SW- Japan, Tonga, New Caledonia and Scott Reef.Most common in a yellow fase, but can be found in a more brownish colour. Pale pinkto blue irregular spots on lower head, Small blue “ear”spot and one above pectoral finbase. Similar to A. moluccensis which is brighter yellow. Sandy areas close to corals, rock or other hiding places. Lagoons, coastal, outer reefs and slopes, from -2 to -40 m. Length: 9 cm. Distribution: from the Malaysian peninsula to SW- Japan and Molucca Islands. White-greyish with black spot on tail base of pectoral fin.Small black tips on dorsal fin. A very common species.Form groups, in lagoons, inshore- and offshore reefs, from -5 to -30 m. Length: 10 cm.Distribution: Red Sea & E- Africa to SW- Japan, Philippines, Vanuatu and N- Australia.Green to almost black with yellowish tail, rear dorsal fin yellow with paler spot at base.Black pectoral fin base and “ear” spot. Fine pale blue margin on pelvic fins.Form small schools, harbours, inshore & offshore coral reefs and protected outer reef slopes. From -5 to -30 m. Length: 8 cm.Distribution: from S- China to Java Seas, Papua New Guinea and Great Barrier Reef.Grey with yellow dorsal, anal and tail fin. Black spot on upper pectoral fin base.Around coral or rock outcrops, near sand or silty bottoms. From -3 to -12 m.Length: 12 cm.Distribution: from Indonesia to Philippines, Solomon Is. and Palau.Dark brown-grey, white cheek and chest with 3 dark vertical bands. White pelvic fins, bright blue spot on pectoral fin base.Solitary or in loose groups on coral-rich outer reefs and deeper lagoons, from -15 to -45 m. Length: 12 cm.Distribution: Philippines to SW- Japan, Philippines, Vanuatu and N- Australia.Adults grey-brown with yellowish pectoral fins, mid-stage blue with yellow belly.Juveniles yellow with bright blue line from snout to ocelated spot, second ocellatedspot at base of last dorsal rays. Solitary or in groups, likes a good surge.Coral and rocky reefs, from -2 to -30 m. Length: 13 cm.Distribution: Andaman Sea to the Solomon Is, Ryukyus, N- Australia and Vanuatu.Adults have two dark stripes underneath the eye, juveniles are yellow with two blackhorizontal lines. In coral-rich lagoons and seaward reefs, from -1 to -25 m.Feeds on plankton, algae and small crustaceans. Length: 13 cm.Distribution: Andaman Sea to Philippines, Tonga, New Caledonia and G.B.R.Adults are dark brown with yellow iris. Juveniles, red-orange head, upper body and fins. Lower body mauve-grey, blue line from snout till rear base of dorsal fin.Solitary and very shy, protected coastal reefs with rocks or coral, from -2 to -12 m. Length: 11 cm.Distribution: from the Red Sea to French Polynesia, Ryukyus and Lord Howe.Juveniles with bright white dots. In areas of mixed coral, rubble or dead coral rock.Occupies algae-covered substrates between coral heads, from -1 to -40 m. Territorial. Length: 20 cm.Distribution: Red Sea to Fr. Polynesia, S- Japan, S- Africa and Lord Howe.White-silver base colour, yellow back and five black-blue vertical bands. Similar to A. curacao but is bigger, less yellow on the body and the black bands are darker.Often in large aggregations in shallow water, rocky lagoon shorelines and seawardreefs to -12 m. Feeds on zooplankton, bentic algae and small invertebrates. Length: 20 cm.Distribution: Andaman Sea to China, Philippines,New Guinea, Solomon Is. and G.B.R.Yellowish-grey head gradating to dark rear body, blueish ring around eyes.A real “farmer” fish who takes care of his own garden. They pull out certain algae so the more tasty algae have more space to grow. Aggressive towards intruders.At sheltered coastal reefs, lagoons and outer reefs, from -1 to -20 m. Length: 14 cm.Distribution: from the Andaman Sea to the Solomon Is, Ryukyus and New Caledonia.Yellow-grey basecolour, fine blue spots on the cheek and blue margin on edge of dorsal fin. Juveniles often near gorgonians. On steep outer reefs slopes from 3 to -40 m. Feeds on zooplankton. Length: 16 cm.Distribution: Indonesia, Philippines, New Guinea, Coral Sea and Great Barrier Reef.Adults, dark brown to black with a white spot on upper-back. Blueish lines and spotson cheeks. Juveniles are white with brown head and wide brown band on mid-body.Black ocellus on upper-back and dorsal fin.Among corals, reef flats of lagoons and coastal reefs, to -5 m. Length: 17 cm.Distribution: from Andaman Sea to SW- Japan, Vanuatu, NW- Australia and G.B.R.White-pinkish body with green-brown saddle on rear upper body and fore head plus front upper body. Mostly with fine blue lines on snout and blue spots on cheeks.Black spot on tail base pectoral fin. Lives solitary or in loose groups, in lagoons orinshore reefs with silt or sand bottoms. Can be found till a depth of -12 m. Length: 19 cm.Distribution: Andaman Sea to Philippines, Palau, Vanuatu, G.B.R. and NW- Australia.White to yellowish with two to three black spots or saddles on back and fore head. Pale pink to blue spots or lines on cheeks and fore head. Juveniles, yellowish with broad white band central body and longer dark bars. Agressive! Lives solitary or in groups, shallow sandy lagoons and seagrass beds of inshore reefs to -10 m.Length: 13 cm.Distribution: from peninsula Malaysia to Philippines and Indonesia.Yellow-grey belly and dark back, three yellow bars from belly to dorsal fin.White bar over head and gill plates, dark bar trough eyes. Pale blue margin on tail fin.Dark spot above pectoral fin base. Territorial, solitary or in small groups. From the shoreline of silty lagoons and coastal reefs, to -8 m. Length: 14 cm.Distribution: Red Sea and E- Africa to Line Is. and French Polynesia.Brown to bluish-grey with dark scale edges. All fins dark, except the rear dorsal fin. Juveniles are black with large white spot on upper back and forehead whichgradually will reduce during growth. Usually form groups, in lagoons and seaward reefs down to -55 m. Juveniles in large anemones with anemonefish species. Length: 17 cm.Distribution: Andaman Sea to Philippines, Tonga, New Caledonia and G.B.R.Front body and head dark blue-brown, grey-white rear body. Long white pelvic fins,younger specimen with fine blue lines on head. Juveniles with dark spot in dorsal fin.Specimen from the E- Coral Sea have a yellow snout and forehead. Feeds mainly onzooplankton. Solitary or in small groups, protected coastal reefs, from -2 to -35 m. Length: 13,5 cm.Distribution: Red Sea and E- Africa to SW- Japan, Line Is, Pitcairn Is. and Australia.Yellowish-brown with dark margin on scales. Dark bar true eyes and on gill plate, often dark area above pectoral fins. Black tips on tail fin. One row of V-shaped scales on upper sides which forms a line, from gill plate towards tail base.Lives solitary or form small groups, on coastal and outer reefs, from -3 to -25 m. Length: 10 cm.Distribution: E- Africa to SW- Japan, Samoa, Great Barrier Reef and New Caledonia.Brown to dark yellow, dark tail-borders. Depending location, some have a paler belly. Dark bar true eyes, fine pale blue margin on pelvic, dorsal and tail fin.Mostly in large schools, close to Acropora corals. In lagoons and outer reefs, from -2 to -15 m. Length: 16 cm.Distribution: Indonesia and Philippines.Gold to green upper body gradating to bluish grey on lower body.Black margin on anal fin and tail fin, white pelvic fins.Solitary or in groups, on seaward reef slopes and edge of drop-offs from -2 to -20 m.Feeds on plankton. Length: 5 cm.Distribution: from Indonesia to Ryukyus, Fiji and New Calledonia.Very easy to recognise because of the black vertical band on the back of the body.Fine blue line underneath the eye. Always close to a shelter, like branching corals.Lives in coral-rich areas of lagoon and seaward reefs, from -3 to -65 m. Length: 9 cm.Distribution:Cocos-Keeling Is. to S.W- Japan, Micronesia, Fr. Polynesia, N.E- Australia.Dark brown body, tail, tail base and rear part of dorsal fin are white.Dark spot on pectoral fin base. Solitary or in small groups, among mixed algae-coral reefs, from -2 to -20 m. Feeds on zooplankton. Length: 9 cm.Distribution: Indonesia to S.W- Japan, Marshall Is, Tonga, N. Caledonia, N.E- Australia.Yellow-brown, dark edge on dorsal, anal, pelvic and tail fin.Large yellow eyes with black band. Solitary or in small groups, coral-rich outer reefs, from -2 to -40 m. Length: 12 cm.Distribution: Seychelles & Reunion to S.W- Japan, Pitcairn Is, Lord Howe Is. and GBR.Blue-green with black spot on axil of pectoral fin. Numerous blue spots on head.In large groups, often feeding in mid-water above staghorn table-corals.Lagoons and seaward reefs, from -1 to -29 m. Length: 8 cm.Distribution: Philippines, Cocos-Keeling Is, Samoa, Marianas and New Caledonia.Yellow line on the nose and in front of the pectoral fin. Dark edges on the outside ofthe tailfin and the ends of the dorsal and anal fin. Around coral-rich seaward reefsfrom -5 to -70 m. Common Length: 9 cm.Distribution: from Gulf of Aden and E- Africa to Maldives, Durban and Philippines.Blue body with yellow belly and fins(exept front dorsal fin), common. Usually over rubble near base of reefs. In loose aggregations in lagoons and on outerreef slopes, from 1 to -20 m. Length: 9 cm.Distribution: from the Red Sea to French Polynesia, Ryukyus and New Caledonia.Similar to C. atripectoralis but does not have a black axil. In large aggregations near branching corals. Juveniles close to individual coral head.On reef flats, in shallow lagoon and sheltered seaward reefs down to -12 m. Length: 16 cm. Distribution: from Indonesia to Solomon Is., Yaeyama Is. and Great Barrier Reef.White body with dark forehead and back, yellow chin and light blue or pink spotson the cheek. Black blotch on the belly. Usually around small patch reefs on sand orrubble in or near lagoons. Feeds on benthic algae which it aggressively guards against other herbivores. Length: 8,5 cm.Distribution: from W- Indonesia to Philippines, Solomon Is, New Guinea and G.B.R.White with two broad dark brown to black bars on upper body, one band on head.Adults have filaments on tail lobes, juveniles with yellowish under body. Usually in small groups around rock or sponge outcrops on sand or silty bottoms of lagoons and coastal areas, from -2 to -35 m. Length: 10 cm.Distribution: from the Andaman Sea to Fiji, Ryukyus and New Caledonia.Variable from colour, from yellow to light blue or dark brown.Blue ocellus on soft dorsal fin fades or disappears with age. In groups around coral outcrops near sandy areas, on sheltered reefs from 3 to -40 m. Length: 15 cm.Distribution: from the Red Sea and E- Africa to SW- Japan, Rapa Is. and Australia.Silvery-white with five black vertical bars, two black lines on tail fin.Usually seen in groups among coral-rich areas of coastal and seaward reefs to -15 m.Feeds on zooplankton and bentic algae. Length: 17 cm.Distribution: from Pakistan to SW- Japan, New Guinea and Great Barrier Reef.Pale whitish-yellow with six to seven black bars, Bluish eye.The one and only of the genus Abudefduf with rounded tail lobesTerritorial, solitary or in small groups. In lagoons or coastal reefs, to -6 m.
Damsel info

Damsel info

Damsels info

Damsels info

Abudefduf bengalensis - Bengal sergeant

Abudefduf bengalensis - Bengal sergeant

Abudefduf sexfasciatus - Scissortail sergeant

Abudefduf sexfasciatus - Scissortail sergeant

Abudefduf vaigiensis - Indopacific sergeant

Abudefduf vaigiensis - Indopacific sergeant

Abudefduf notatus - Yellowtail sergeant

Abudefduf notatus - Yellowtail sergeant

Abudefduf sordidus - Blackspot sergeant

Abudefduf sordidus - Blackspot sergeant

Amblyglyphidodon leucogaster - White belly damsel

Amblyglyphidodon leucogaster - White belly damsel

Amblyglyphidodon  aureus - Golden damsel

Amblyglyphidodon aureus - Golden damsel

Amblyglyphidodon indicus - Maldives  damsel

Amblyglyphidodon indicus - Maldives damsel

Hemiglyphidodon plagiometapon - Lagoon damsel

Hemiglyphidodon plagiometapon - Lagoon damsel

Dischistodus melanotus - Black-vent damsel

Dischistodus melanotus - Black-vent damsel

Dischistodus perspicillatus - White damsel

Dischistodus perspicillatus - White damsel

Dischistodus prosopotaenia - Honeyhead damsel

Dischistodus prosopotaenia - Honeyhead damsel

Dischistodus fasciatus -Banded damsel

Dischistodus fasciatus -Banded damsel

Dischistodus pseudochrysopoecilus - Monarch damsel

Dischistodus pseudochrysopoecilus - Monarch damsel

Neoglyphidodon thoracotaeni - Barhead damsel

Neoglyphidodon thoracotaeni - Barhead damsel

Neoglyphidodon nigroris - Yellowfin damsel

Neoglyphidodon nigroris - Yellowfin damsel

Neoglyphidodon crossi - Cross's damsel

Neoglyphidodon crossi - Cross's damsel

Plectroglyphidodon  dickii - Blackbar damsel

Plectroglyphidodon dickii - Blackbar damsel

Plectroglyphidodon lacrymatus - Jewel damsel

Plectroglyphidodon lacrymatus - Jewel damsel

Chrysiptera springeri - Springer's demoiselle

Chrysiptera springeri - Springer's demoiselle

Chrysiptera rollandi - Rolland's demoiselle

Chrysiptera rollandi - Rolland's demoiselle

Chrysiptera rex - King demoiselle

Chrysiptera rex - King demoiselle

Chrysiptera unimaculata - Onespot  demoiselle

Chrysiptera unimaculata - Onespot demoiselle

Chrysiptera biocellata - Twinspot demoiselle

Chrysiptera biocellata - Twinspot demoiselle

Chrysiptera brownriggii - Surge demoiselle

Chrysiptera brownriggii - Surge demoiselle

Chrysiptera talboti - Talbot's demoiselle

Chrysiptera talboti - Talbot's demoiselle

Chrysiptera hemicyanea - Azure demoiselle

Chrysiptera hemicyanea - Azure demoiselle

Chrysiptera parasema - Goldtail demoiselle

Chrysiptera parasema - Goldtail demoiselle

Pomacentrus moluccensis - Lemon damsel

Pomacentrus moluccensis - Lemon damsel

Pomacentrus amboinensis - Ambon damsel

Pomacentrus amboinensis - Ambon damsel

Pomacentrus simsiang - Blueback damsel

Pomacentrus simsiang - Blueback damsel

Pomacentrus vaiuli - Princess damsel

Pomacentrus vaiuli - Princess damsel

Pomacentrus bankanensis - Speckled damsel

Pomacentrus bankanensis - Speckled damsel

Pomacentrus alexanderae - Alexander's damsel

Pomacentrus alexanderae - Alexander's damsel

Pomacentrus lepidogenys - Scaly damsel

Pomacentrus lepidogenys - Scaly damsel

Pomacentrus spilotoceps - Tonga damsel

Pomacentrus spilotoceps - Tonga damsel

Pomacentrus pavo - Sapphire damsel

Pomacentrus pavo - Sapphire damsel

Pomacentrus caeruleus - Caerulean damsel

Pomacentrus caeruleus - Caerulean damsel

Pomacentrus auriventris - Goldbelly damsel

Pomacentrus auriventris - Goldbelly damsel

Pomacentrus chrysurus - White-tail damsel

Pomacentrus chrysurus - White-tail damsel

Pomacentrus burroughi - Burrough's damsel

Pomacentrus burroughi - Burrough's damsel

Pomacentrus littoralis - Smokey damsel

Pomacentrus littoralis - Smokey damsel

Pomacentrus brachialis - Charcoal  damsel

Pomacentrus brachialis - Charcoal damsel

Pomacentrus reidi - Reid's damsel

Pomacentrus reidi - Reid's damsel

Pomacentrus stigma - Blackspot damsel

Pomacentrus stigma - Blackspot damsel

Neopomacentrus bankieri - Chinese demoiselle

Neopomacentrus bankieri - Chinese demoiselle

Neopomacentrus cyanomos - Regal demoiselle

Neopomacentrus cyanomos - Regal demoiselle

Neopomacentrus nemurus - Coral demoiselle

Neopomacentrus nemurus - Coral demoiselle

Neopomacentrus violascens - Violet demoiselle

Neopomacentrus violascens - Violet demoiselle

Amblypomacentrus breviceps - Black-banded demoiselle

Amblypomacentrus breviceps - Black-banded demoiselle

Chromis analis - Yellow damsel

Chromis analis - Yellow damsel

Chromis retrofasciata - Black-bar chromis

Chromis retrofasciata - Black-bar chromis

Chromis atripes - Darkfin chromis

Chromis atripes - Darkfin chromis

Chromis atripectoralis - Black-axil chromis

Chromis atripectoralis - Black-axil chromis

Chromis ternatensis -  Ternate chromis

Chromis ternatensis - Ternate chromis

Chromis scotochiloptera - Philippines chromis

Chromis scotochiloptera - Philippines chromis

Chromis amboinensis - Ambon chromis

Chromis amboinensis - Ambon chromis

Chromis lepidolepis - Scaly chromis

Chromis lepidolepis - Scaly chromis

Chromis viridis - Blue-green chromis

Chromis viridis - Blue-green chromis

Chromis weberi - Weber's chromis

Chromis weberi - Weber's chromis

Chromis margaritifer - Bicolor chromis

Chromis margaritifer - Bicolor chromis

Chromis caudalis - Blue-axil chromis

Chromis caudalis - Blue-axil chromis

Chromis xanthura - Pale-tail chromis

Chromis xanthura - Pale-tail chromis

Chromis nigrura - Blacktail chromis

Chromis nigrura - Blacktail chromis

Chromis elera - Twospot chromis

Chromis elera - Twospot chromis

Acanthochromis polyacanthus - Spiny chromis

Acanthochromis polyacanthus - Spiny chromis

Stegastes fasciolatus - Pacific gregory

Stegastes fasciolatus - Pacific gregory

Dascyllus aruanus - Threebar dascyllus

Dascyllus aruanus - Threebar dascyllus

Dascyllus reticulatus - Reticulated dascyllus

Dascyllus reticulatus - Reticulated dascyllus

Dascyllus carneus - Cloudy dascyllus

Dascyllus carneus - Cloudy dascyllus

Dascyllus trimaculatus - Three-spot dascyllus

Dascyllus trimaculatus - Three-spot dascyllus