Razorfish or shrimpfish
SHRIMPFISH - CENTRISCIDAE From the four known species, only two species live in shallow waters. They hang vertical in groups of sometimes more than a hundred fish. They cruise the reef the whole day and feed on zooplankton brought along by the currents. When threatened, they retreat towards the reef and hide between whip or black corals. When they start to swim they lift up their heads and swim away in a horizontal position, but re-position themselves vertically when they stop. Length: 15 cm.Distribution: Seychelles to S- Japan, New Caledonia, G.B.R. and New South Wales.Silvery with a red-brown to blackish mid-lateral stripe. Usually in large schools amongst branching corals like seawhips and black coral bushes, to about -15 m.Juveniles can be found in surface waters, along beach edges or hiding betweencrinoids or urchins(photo right). Hangs mostly upside down.
Shrimpfish info

Shrimpfish info

Aeoliscus strigatus - Razorfish

Aeoliscus strigatus - Razorfish

Centriscus  scutatus - Rigid shrimpfish

Centriscus scutatus - Rigid shrimpfish