Dartfish - Ptereleotridae
All the dartfish species inhabit protected areas with sand, rubble, stones, corals or seagrass. They are mostly observed in pairs or small groups hovering above the substrate. Dartfish are very shy and disappear as fast as lightning when feeling threatened. They live in cracks or burrows which they don't actually make themselves. Some species hide by just diving into sand. Dartfish feed on zooplankton. Length: 12 cm. Distribution: from the Seychelles to Taiwan, S- Japan, Line Is. and Australia.Pale blue-grey, some have a dark stripe from pectoral fins to tail. Larger adults sometimes have long filaments on tailfin. Shelters in burrows with shrimp goby’s,mostly seen with the goby Amblyeleotris yanoi. Hoovers above sandy bottoms, from -3 to -50 m. Length: 14 cm.Distribution: from the Red Sea to SW- Japan, French Polynesia and New Caledonia.Adults are light coloured from head to waist and than dark to black till end of the tail.Juveniles and young adults have a light silvery-yellow head till end of first dorsal fin.A black margin on 2nd dorsal, anal- and tailfin. Hovers in pairs above their burrow, onouter reefs with rubble and sand. At depths from -2 to -15 m, feeds on zooplankton.Length: 20 cm.Distribution: Indonesia, Philippines, S- Japan, Papua New Guinea and N- Australia.Pale blue-grey with diagonal blue bands on the sides, pale blue band from between eyes to dorsal fin. Irregular pale blue markings on head, yellowish shine on gill coverand belly. Hover just above the bottom, always close to their burrow. Solitary or in small groups. On silty slopes and muddy bottoms, mostly between -10 and -40 m. Length: 9 cm.Distribution: from E- Africa to S.W- Japan, Hawaii, FR. Polynesia and New-Caledonia.The front part of the body is white with a yellowish face. The rear part of the body from orange to red-brown with a dark tail. Solitary, in pairs or loose groups. Hovers above sandy areas between rocks or corals, at depths from -6 to -60 m. Hides inside a burrow when in danger, feeds on zooplankton. Length: 6,5 cm.Distribution: from S.W- Japan to Palau, Marshall Is, Samoa and Tuamotu Is.Violet coloured body with a yellow face. Violet stripe on top of the head, first dorsal fin is white with purple. Pelvic fins are black-tipped, second dorsal, anal-and tailfin are yellowish. Solitary or in pairs on steep outer reef slopes from -25 to -69 m.Very seldom above the depth of -40 m.