- Check the sub-map for the specimen information files -
These very popular and elegant fish are the only one of the scorpionfish family that really swim. Most of the time they are seen hovering over the reef or areas with sand, rubble or seagrass. However, Lionfish are very rarely seen swimming in open water. As with all others of the family, they are a bit lazy and don't swim long distances. They mostly live alone but can be observed hunting in groups of more than 20 individuals. Their long pectoral fins are not only used for swimming but also to close in on small fish, which they suck in. When divers or snorkelers come close, they will turn their dorsal fins with poisonous spines towards the intruder. During the mating season, the males become very aggressive and start to fight with other male or females. Mating and the releasing of eggs happens just after sunset. Like many other fish they swim a bit in open water and on the highest point, release the eggs which will be carried away by the current. Warning! Wounds caused by their poisonous stingers cause severe pain, swellings, temporary paralysis but are not life threatening.
- Check the sub-map for the specimen information files -