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There are around twenty different species of emperorfish in the sea, although most live in tropical waters. This relatively unknown fish has a silvery-grey body, with a pale color pattern. This makes it difficult to determine them underwater. Some species have a short snout and thick lips while others can have long pointy beaks. They are mainly active at night and spend their days hiding underneath coral tables or other hiding spots. Many of the emperorfish are able to change tone or color very quickly depending on the substrate or the mood they are in. These color changes are mostly observed late in the afternoon when mating starts. However not much is known about their reproduction. Most species live among sandy areas close to coral reefs where they feed on bottom-dwelling invertebrates like snails, crustaceans and bristle worms. Some of the bigger species feed on fish. All young emperorfish grow up as females and can change sex over time.
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