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This fish species has about ten sub-families from which the most common are of course the lionfish (Pteroinae) and the true scorpionfish (Scorpaenidae). There are also the stonefish (Synanceiinae), devilfish (Choridactylinae) and waspfish (Tetrarogidae). Most of them have a red-brownish color with a different pattern, depending on the species. Of all of the subfamily, it is only the lionfish that swim around to find prey and feed. All the others trust their camouflage and wait for hours till their prey passes and attack. By opening their mouth very quickly, they create a sucking movement and in about a fifteen millionths of a second, suck in their prey. Devilfish are the only species of the scorpionfish family that don't have pelvic fins. Because they live as bottom-dwellers, their pelvic fins changed into hook-shaped legs which they use for walking over the bottom. They often burry themselves into the substrate for camouflage (sand or rubble). Every scorpionfish species also has poisonous stingers. Injuries caused by these stingers cause severe pain and can lead to paralysis, or even death.
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